Bankruptcy (3271) An examination of the law and practice in bankruptcy. The topics to be covered include exemptions, property of the estate, the automatic stay, treatment of leases and other contracts and preferences and other trustee avoiding powers, with an emphasis on Chapter 7 liquidations and Chapter 13 consumer payment plans. Grading: Letter graded Credits: 3 Offered: Spring Subject Areas: Child and Family Law, Real Estate Law, Bankruptcy Secured Transactions (5350) Covers the creation and perfection of consensual liens known as "security interests" in personal property under Article 9 of the U.C.C., proceeds and priorities problems, remedies and default, repossession and disposition of collateral. This area of law is widely used in business, commercial and consumer transactions of all types, including bank financing, mergers and acquisitions, and the sale of business, agricultural and consumer goods on credit. Grading: Letter graded. Credits: variable Offered: Irregularly Categories: Bar Courses Subject Areas: Banking, Bankruptcy, Business and Commercial