By Subject Academic Support and Bar PreparationAdministrative and Legislative ProcessAlternative Dispute ResolutionBankingBankruptcyBusiness and CommercialChild and Family LawCivil LitigationConstitutional Law and Civil RightsCriminal LawDispute ResolutionEmployment LawEnvironmental LawEstates and TrustsGovernment PracticeHealth LawIntellectual PropertyInternational and Comparative LawJurisprudence and Legal HistoryNative American LawPersonal InjuryPublic Interest LawReal Estate LawTaxationTorts By Category Bar CoursesExperientialLong PaperRequired Alpha: Title starts with … A ACA Evolution: Past, Present, and Future of ObamacareAdministrative LawAdvanced Advocacy: Civil LitigationAdvanced Advocacy: Criminal TrialAdvanced Civil Dispute ResolutionAdvanced Criminal Law: Cops as DefendantsAdvanced Critical Race Theory: Theory and PraxisAdvanced EvidenceAdvanced Legal ResearchAdvanced Topics in Native American LawAdvanced TortsAdvanced TortsAdvanced Trademark LawAdvocacyAdvocacyAdvocacy: AppellateAdvocacy: TrialAlaska Native LawAntitrustArbitration CompetitionArbitration LawArbitration Skills B BankruptcyBar Preparation Strategies: MBE & MEEBar Preparation Strategies: MPTBridging and Bonding: The Power and Practice of DialogueBusiness Communication SkillsBusiness Entity TaxationBusiness of IP: Business TransactionsBusiness of IP: Independent Film ProductionBusiness Regulation and Compliance C Challenging ConversationsChild Abuse and the LawChild, Parent, and the StateCivil Dispute ResolutionCivil RightsClient Interviewing and CounselingClinic: Business LawClinic: Child ProtectionClinic: Child Protection - PolicyClinic: Civil AdvocacyClinic: COVID-ResponseClinic: Criminal Appeals and PostconvictionClinic: Economic InclusionClinic: Employment Discrimination MediationClinic: Health LawClinic: Housing Justice Chatbot BuildingClinic: Immigration LawClinic: InnocenceClinic: Intellectual Property LawClinic: Legal Assistance to Minnesota PrisonersClinic: MediationClinic: Native American Law: Impact LitigationClinic: Native Law: Tribal Code DraftingClinic: Nonprofit Tax PlanningClinic: ReentryClinic: Wrongful Conviction and SentencingCommercial Law SurveyComparative Constitutional Aspects of the Right to Free ExpressionComparative Criminal Trial Practice: from the Classroom to the Courtroom-Barristers, Trial Lawyers, Judges, Jurors and TrialsComparative Immigration and Asylum Law, Practice and Procedure: from Persecution to ProtectionComparative International Business Transactions: Doing Deals Across the WorldComparative Law - Lawyers: Opponents of Democracy? - Field PlacementComparative Law: Canada and the United StatesCompetition: AAJ Trial AdvocacyCompetition: ABA National Representation in MediationCompetition: ABA NegotiationCompetition: Bryant National Health Law TransactionalCompetition: Giles Sutherland Rich Intellectual Property Moot CourtCompetition: International Patent DraftingCompetition: Jessup International Moot CourtCompetition: McGee National Civil Rights Moot CourtCompetition: National Native American Law Student Association (NNALSA) Moot CourtCompetition: Pace National Environmental Law Moot CourtCompetition: SIU National Health Law Moot CourtConflict CoachingConflict Resolution from Religious TraditionsConstitutional Criminal Procedure: AdjudicationConstitutional Criminal Procedure: Investigation and InterrogationConstitutional LibertiesConstitutional Powers: Advanced Legal ReasoningConsumer Rights LawContracts: Transactional LawCopyright LawCorporate Accounting & Financial ReportingCorporate FinanceCriminal Law: Statutory InterpretationCritical Race Theory: A Crash CourseCross-Cultural Dispute Resolution D Deals and DisputesDecision Making in a Chaotic RealityDecision Making in a Chaotic Reality and Challenging ConversationsDispute Resolution in the Workplace: Law and PracticeDispute Systems DesignDrug and Device Law E E-discovery and DepositionsEducation Law (K-12) -- Contemporary Issues In Public EducationElder LawElectronic DiscoveryEmployment DiscriminationEmployment LawEnergy LawEnvironmental Law SurveyEstate and Gift TaxationEstate PlanningEstates & TrustsEstates and Trusts SurveyEvidenceExpanding Role of Organizational OmbudsExpert Witness AdvocacyExternship: Administrative LawExternship: Alternative Dispute ResolutionExternship: Attorney General ExpungementExternship: Court of AppealsExternship: Criminal Justice - DefenseExternship: Criminal Justice - ProsecutionExternship: District CourtExternship: Family LawExternship: Government AgencyExternship: Health LawExternship: JudicialExternship: Law and BusinessExternship: Legislative & Lobbying F FacilitationFair and Affordable HousingFamily LawFamily MediationFederal Bar Association Moot CourtFederal JurisdictionFeminist JurisprudenceFood Fight: The Art and Science of Foodborne Illness LitigationFood Labeling and Advertising: Law and Litigation FundamentalsFood LawFood Safety and the LawFoundations of PracticeFrom Addiction to Zika: Current Issues in Public Health Law G General Practice: Skills PracticumGenocide Prevention: A 21st - Century ChallengeGovernment Practice Seminar H Health Care Compliance Governance and EthicsHealth Care Compliance InstituteHealth Care Compliance Laws and RegulationsHealth Care Compliance SkillsHealth Care Law & Opioids: How the "Man-Made Plague" Is Transforming the Pharmaceutical IndustryHealth Law Quality and LiabilityHealth Law: Organization and FinanceHIPAA PrivacyHistory, Law, and Morality of Espionage I Immigration LawIncome TaxIndependent ExternshipIndependent Long PaperIndependent ResearchIndependent ResidencyIndian Child Welfare Act and Child Protection and Adoption ProceedingsIndigenous Cultural and Intellectual PropertyInsurance LawIntellectual Asset ManagementIntellectual Property FoundationsIntellectual Property LitigationIntellectual Property Remedies: Securing the Best ReliefInternational Business TransactionsInternational Commercial Arbitration: Theory and PracticeInternational Comparative Criminal Law - Business Fraud - From the classroom to the conspiracy, to the crime, to the courtroomInternational Indigenous LawInternational Trade and Investment Dispute SettlementInternet Legal Research SkillsInternship with a ProfessorIntroduction to Business OrganizationsIntroduction to International Data Protection LawIntroduction to Museum LawIntroduction to the International Patent SystemIntroduction to Tribal LawIntroduction to U.S. Arbitration Law: Domestic and International AspectsIP - Appellate Practice J Judicial Writing: Preparing for a Judicial ClerkshipJurisdictional and Procedural Issues in Patent LitigationJustice and Dispute ResolutionJustice and Technology: Engaging with Systems in TransitionJustice in the Digital EraJuvenile Justice L Labor LawLand Use LawLaw & the Business of BaseballLaw and the HolocaustLawyer as Business OwnerLearning Community LeaderLegal Analysis, Research, and Communication (LARC) ILegal Analysis, Research, and Communication (LARC) IILegal Compliance Essentials for Drug, Device, and Biotech CompaniesLegal Drafting: Wills & TrustsLegal MethodsLegal Methods Student LeaderLegal Practicum: Business PracticeLegislationLegislative ProcessLGBTQ Health: Law, Policy, and AdvocacyLGBTQ+ Youth in Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare Systems M Marshall Brennan SeminarMediationMedical MalpracticeMental Health and the LawMental Health Law SeminarMergers and AcquisitionsMinnesota Legal ResearchModern Real Estate Transactions N Native American LawNegotiation O Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): Dispute Resolution in the Digital AgeOrganizational Conflict Management P Patent Law IPatent Law IIPatent ProsecutionPeace, War, and the ConstitutionPersonal InjuryPoverty LawPractice-Ready Legal WritingPretrial LitigationPrinciples of Legal AnalysisProfessional ResponsibilityProperty: Jurisprudential and Comparative AnalysisPublic Health LawPublic International LawPublic International Law Research Workshop IPublic International Law Research Workshop II R RemediesResidency - Criminal Law Field PlacementResidency - Criminal Law Residency SeminarResidency - Family Law Field PlacementResidency - Family Law Residency SeminarResidency - Health Law Field PlacementResidency - Health Law Residency SeminarResidency - Law and Business Field PlacementResidency - Solo Practice IncubatorResidency - Solo Practice Incubator SeminarResilient Practice for Clinic StudentsRestorative Justice S Secured TransactionsSecurities RegulationSeminar: Academic PaperSeminar: Advanced Black Perspecitves on Law Society: 1619-PresentSeminar: Approaches to Statutory and Constitutional InterpretationSeminar: Asian Americans and the LawSeminar: Black Lives Matter: Retracing the BLACK in Black Letter LawSeminar: Business EthicsSeminar: Cash Bail and the American Criminal Legal System: From Reform to AbolitionSeminar: Chinese LawSeminar: Comparative Property RightsSeminar: Critical Lawyering in Today’s WorldSeminar: Disability LawSeminar: Domestic Violence Law and PolicySeminar: Education LawSeminar: Election LawSeminar: Evolution and Constitutional LawSeminar: First AmendmentSeminar: Gaming LawSeminar: Gender, Power, and Leadership in the LawSeminar: Health LawSeminar: High Profile TrialsSeminar: Homeless Youth in AmericaSeminar: Information Policy, Protection & CybersecuritySeminar: International and Comparative IP LawSeminar: Law & EconomicsSeminar: Law and BioethicsSeminar: Law and ReligionSeminar: Marijuana and the LawSeminar: Media LawSeminar: National Security LawSeminar: One Acre ProjectSeminar: Online ADR for the 21st CenturySeminar: Psychology and Dispute ResolutionSeminar: Race and the LawSeminar: Race, Health Equity & the LawSeminar: Race, Sexuality & the LawSeminar: Reproductive RightsSeminar: Second AmendmentSeminar: The American CorporationSeminar: Theories in Leadership and Dispute ResolutionSeminar: Wrongful ConvictionsSexual Orientation and the LawSlavery & Human TraffickingState and Local Government T Tax Moot CourtTelemedicineThe Start-Up Business EnterpriseTheories of ConflictTheories of ConflictTorts: The Common Law ProcessTrade Secret LawTrademark LawTransactions & Settlements: Drafting Agreements and Making DealsTransgender Identity: Rights and Challenges Locally and GloballyTransitional Justice in Kosovo and BeyondTrauma Responsive Legal Advocacy W Workers' CompensationWrongful Convictions