Advanced Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an intensive discussion-based course that will examine and apply current advancements within CRT. The course will meet weekly. Students will engage the full panoply of modern and emerging CRT scholarship from across graduate and legal scholarship. Texts in the course will include books, narratives, court testimony, trial videos, music videos, poetry, statutes and narratives from the enslaved among others. Students are expected to write a final theoretical, journal ready paper or a hybrid or alternative CRT intervention into a modern issue.Students must have taken either Critical Race Theory: A Crash Course (4084); Seminar: Race, Sexuality & the Law (6053); or Seminar: BLM: Retracing The Black in Black Letter Law (6054) or have approval from Dr. Wilson. Students will be expected to exhibit mastery of basic CRT concepts. Grading: Letter Credits: 3 Offered: